Marketing that delivers
Inbound lead generation only! A lead from Websense is a genuine request for quote or expression of interest
How we can help you

Lead generation
We offer a pay per inquiry option where you only pay for real time request for quotes by pre defined customer criteria. This is real no risk lead generation.

Domain names
The correct domain name can have an enormous impact on your ROI but most top notch domains are already registered. Talk to us regarding a domain acquisition.

Google advertising
An effective Google ads campaign (SEM) has the ability to deliver sales and inquiries that will help you meet your companies growth and sales targets within budget.

Hosting & email
Websense hosting clients range from local small businesses to multi nationals with hundreds of staff members. We have a hosting solution for you.

SEO and copywriting
Content marketing is the gift that keeps on giving. Talk to us about creating content that delivers highly targeted visitors on an ongoing basis.

Website design
An appealing website that generates inquiries using solid backend technology is essential and it costs a lot less than you think.
Lead Generation
You only pay for resultsDriving fresh inquiries to your sales team is our business. Let us help you grow your business with unsolicited requests for quotes. We offer a no risk cost cost effective lead generation opportunity or a managed ad campaign option.

Ready to deliver lead generation opportunities
What is a lead?
We are often approached by people who consider a name with a telephone number or email address in a certain demographic as a lead.
What makes Websense lead generation different? When we deliver a lead, it is a person requesting a quote for your particular products and services. The customer has turned to the internet looking for a product or service and has either typed in one of our domain names or done a search on Google/Bing for the product/service and found one of our websites.
We have a one lead one company policy
If you engage with the Websense lead generation service, your company will be the only company receiving a lead, we do not take on more than one company per site/product/region and never resell enquiries.
Yes we are more expensive than the rest on a cost per lead basis but your returns will be far higher. Talk to us, we have a solution.
Transport, construction & lifting lead generation
We are actively generating inquiries for rigging, crane hire, transport services, Telehandlers and Tower cranes.
Grow your business with our lead generation opportunities or Secure and grow your position in your industry by buying a website that delivers incredible ROI. is a very well established crane hire and rigging website delivering requests for quotes country wide. This website is supported by a large number of complimentary domain names like, and many others. 1 lead 1 client policy, leads are only delivered to one customer.
Gauteng: under contract
KZN: open opportunity
Western Cape: under contract
Forklift and material handling enquiries direct to you.
Gauteng: under contract.
KZN: open opportunity
Western Cape: open opportunity
Branding opportunity: Open
This was a chicken and egg website, we are receiving TLB rental enquiries already, get started straight away.
Gauteng: open opportunity
KZN: open opportunity
Western Cape: open opportunity
Branding rights open opportunity is designed for the rental and sale of both used and new mobile cranes. Take advantage of the lead generation opportunities or purchase this premium domain name to transform your business. 1 lead 1 company policy for rental, parts and sales.
Mobile crane sales: Currently under contract
Mobile crane rentals: Currently under contract
Mobile crane spares: currently under contract
This is a well established website dedicated to rental of cherry pickers..
Nationawid0: under contract
Branding opportunity taken up by Jumbo Projects
Become part of a growing base of Truck rental companies and Transport businesses that are taking advantage of the inquiries for truck rental and transport. Anything from hiring a bakkie to transporting an 80 ton piece of machinary.
Gauteng: under contract for lowbed transport and crane trucks only.
Gauteng: Open opportunities for many truck types.
KZN: open opportunity
Western Cape: open opportunity
This site delivers highly targeted enquiries that convert extremely well. If you are able to do jobs at short notice like moving containers, transporting generators or water tanks, this is the site for your sales team.
National including branding rights under contract to Jumbo Projects. is a very well established tower crane website delivering inquiries for tower crane rental companies as well as tower crane sale inquiries. 1 company 1 enquiry policy.
Gauteng: under contract
KZN: open opportunity
Western Cape: open opportunity
We have a constant flow of inquiries for both telehandler rental and buyers of telehandlers. Take advantage of these country wide opportunities.
Gauteng: currently under contract
KZN: open opportunity
Western Cape: open opportunity
Branding rights available nationwide is a tremendously active website delivering inquires for both local and cross border heavy equipment transport.
Cross border enquiries: under contract
Local transport enquiries: open opportunity
If the rental or sale of earth moving equipment is your business, be it construction equipment or mining equipment, we have a source of inquiries ready and waiting for you. This was a chicken and egg situation for us and the website is delivering leads daily and waiting for a partner.
Local, cross border rental, sales and parts opportunities available.
Branding opportunity available. is a well established scaffolding and formwork hire website that delivers inquirties for both small and large projects. There are fantastic opportunities to develop a BBBEE business within your larger organisation servicing smaller construction company requirements.
Gauteng: open opportunity
KZN: open opportunity
Western Cape: open opportunity
Branding opportunity: available
Do you need inquiries from people wishing to fit towbars and bicycle carriers to their cars/trucks or bakkies. Receive leads specific to your City or Province.
Gauteng: open opportunity
KZN: open opportunity
Western Cape: open opportunity
Branding opportunity: available
This is a well established website dedicated to sale of truck mounted cranes and ancilliary products and services. If you are seeking inquiries from people who wish toi purchase a truck mounted crane, we will supply your with inquiries.
Nationawide truck crane sales opportunity: available
Branding opportunity: available

Education and training lead generation
Competition for leads in the education and training space has grown tremendously. Let us take care of your targeted lead generation needs with our active education and training websites.
If you are an online logistics and supply chain management provider or a traditional learning provider, we will deliver interested students on a daily basis at an excellent cost/inquiry.
Short courses and experiential learning is a rapidly growing sector and at we are poised to deliver a large volume of inquiries. With that growth comes increased competition. Get new inquiries every day for your short courses. These apply to both online and traditional learning providers.
Crime scene investigation is a fairly new career choice that is getting a lot of interest from both young and older students to help grow their career prospects in Policing or private security.
You only pay for results
Grow your business with our cost per lead program. You decide how many leads you want and we deliver.
Our portfolio of undeveloped education and training domain names is extensive and covers most professions, including newer professions like econologists. We have supplied leads to some of SA’s leading online education providers and continue to deliver leads on a daily basis.
Financial services lead generation
Some of our oldest websites and domain names are financial service related offering incredible opportunities to forward thinking financial planners and advisers to talk to people needing financial planning advice. is an incredible opportunity for those financial advisers who are prepared to “kiss a few frogs” to catch the whale. There is not much commission in setting up a tax free investment/savings account but these are people looking to save and invest for their future. Think about it! These are the people you are looking for and as soon as you are able to sit down with them, you will get to do a needs analysis. Makes sense doesn’t it?
This domain name and website offer tremendous opportunities. Websense are seeking a content partner or JV partner to grow this domain name and website into the profitable entity and leading financial advice advise platform it can become.
This is what so many aspire to. Retireing at fifty years old requires a plan and if you are that person to provide the plan, you need this website. Buy it and change your business. >>
You only pay for results
Grow your business with our cost effective lead generation program. You decide how many leads you need and we deliver.

Websense have an extensive portfolio of over 1200 websites and domain names to suit most businesses in South Africa. We tend to select tight niches and use our domain name portfolio and extensive web puiblishing experience to dominate in industries we operate.
Websense operate in most industries and niches and would welcome the opportunity to provide your business with fresh inquiries every day.